Exercises on Elementary Particle Physics

Exercises on Elementary Particle Physics (WS 02/03)

The lectures take place on mondays from 11-13ct at Seminarraum ITKP and on fridays 10-12ct at Hörsaal IAP.

The exercises take place on wednesdays from 16-18ct at Seminarraum 1, PI.
Concerning questions or comments please contact Marc or Martin.

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Exercise 01 1. The Dirac equation
2. Free solutions of the Dirac equation
Homework 01 1. The adjoint Dirac equation and currents
2. Completeness relations
Exercise 02 1. Massless fermions
2. Chirality and helicity
Homework 02 1. Covariance of the Dirac equation
1. Covariant bilinears
Exercise 03 1. Nonrelativistic perturbation theory
2. Spin 1/2 fermions coupled to an electromagnetic field
Homework 03 1. Some kinematics [Hw03.ps]
Exercises 04 1. A few remarks on groups, representations and all that [Ex04.ps]
Homework 04 1. Young tableau gymnastics
2. Crossing symmetry
Exercises 05 1. Young tableaux II
2. SL(n, C)
3. More about Weyl spinors
Homework 05 1. Some SU(n) product representations
2.-4. A few identities
5. The Euler-Lagrange equations of fields
Exercises 06 1. C,P & T for spinors [Ex06.ps]
Homework 06 1. Lecture clean-up [Ex06.ps]
Exercises 07 1. Trace- and Contraction-Theorems I [Ex07.ps]
Homework 07 1. Trace- and Contraction-Theorems II
2. Electron-Positron Scattering
Exercises 08 1. Spontaneous Symmetry Breakdown [Ex08.ps]
Homework 08 1. Gauge Invariance of Non-Abelian SU(2) Gauge Theory [Ex08.ps]
Exercises 09 1. Lecture Clean-up and completion
2. The See-Saw Machanism
Homework 09 1. Hypercharge Quantization
2. Unitary Gauge
3. Consequences of SSB
4. Grand Unified Theories
Exercises 10 1. Muon Decay (Part I) [Ex10.ps]
Homework 10 1. Muon Decay (Part II) [Hw10.ps]
Exercises 11 1. Meson Decay (Part I)
2. The GIM-mechanism
3. The KM-matrix with N generations
Homework 11 1. Meson Decay (Part II)
2. No leptonic KM-matrix
Exercises 12 1. e^- e^+ Scattering: QED and the Weak Interarcion [Ex12.ps]
Homework 12 1. e^- e^+ Scattering with the Weak Interarcion [Ex12.ps]
Exercises 13 1. The See-Saw-mechanism and CP-violating Phases [Ex13.ps]
Homework 13 1. Nuclear beta-Decay and massive neutrinos [Ex13.ps]