Number | Contents | Download |
Exercise 01 | 1. The Dirac equation 2. Free solutions of the Dirac equation |
[] [Ex01.pdf] |
Homework 01 | 1. The adjoint Dirac equation and
currents 2. Completeness relations |
[] [Hw01.pdf] |
Exercise 02 | 1. Massless fermions 2. Chirality and helicity |
[] [Ex02.pdf] |
Homework 02 | 1. Covariance of the Dirac equation 1. Covariant bilinears |
[] [Hw02.pdf] |
Exercise 03 | 1. Nonrelativistic perturbation theory 2. Spin 1/2 fermions coupled to an electromagnetic field |
[] [Ex03.pdf] |
Homework 03 | 1. Some kinematics | [] [Hw03.pdf] |
Exercises 04 | 1. A few remarks on groups, representations and all that | [] [Ex04.pdf] |
Homework 04 | 1. Young tableau gymnastics 2. Crossing symmetry |
[] [Ex04.pdf] |
Exercises 05 | 1. Young tableaux II 2. SL(n, C) 3. More about Weyl spinors |
[] [Ex05.pdf] |
Homework 05 | 1. Some SU(n) product representations 2.-4. A few identities 5. The Euler-Lagrange equations of fields |
[] [Ex05.pdf] |
Exercises 06 | 1. C,P & T for spinors | [] [Ex06.pdf] |
Homework 06 | 1. Lecture clean-up | [] [Ex06.pdf] |
Exercises 07 | 1. Trace- and Contraction-Theorems I | [] [Ex07.pdf] |
Homework 07 | 1. Trace- and Contraction-Theorems II 2. Electron-Positron Scattering |
[] [Ex07.pdf] |
Exercises 08 | 1. Spontaneous Symmetry Breakdown | [] [Ex08.pdf] |
Homework 08 | 1. Gauge Invariance of Non-Abelian SU(2) Gauge Theory | [] [Ex08.pdf] |
Exercises 09 | 1. Lecture Clean-up and completion 2. The See-Saw Machanism |
[] [Ex09.pdf] |
Homework 09 | 1. Hypercharge Quantization 2. Unitary Gauge 3. Consequences of SSB 4. Grand Unified Theories |
[] [Ex09.pdf] |
Exercises 10 | 1. Muon Decay (Part I) | [] [Ex10.pdf] |
Homework 10 | 1. Muon Decay (Part II) | [] [Hw10.pdf] |
Exercises 11 | 1. Meson Decay (Part I) 2. The GIM-mechanism 3. The KM-matrix with N generations |
[] [Ex11.pdf] |
Homework 11 | 1. Meson Decay (Part II) 2. No leptonic KM-matrix |
[] [Ex11.pdf] |
Exercises 12 | 1. e^- e^+ Scattering: QED and the Weak Interarcion | [] [Ex12.pdf] |
Homework 12 | 1. e^- e^+ Scattering with the Weak Interarcion | [] [Ex12.pdf] |
Exercises 13 | 1. The See-Saw-mechanism and CP-violating Phases | [] [Ex13.pdf] |
Homework 13 | 1. Nuclear beta-Decay and massive neutrinos | [] [Ex13.pdf] |